Friday, October 3, 2008

In memory of Flame

Shalimar Dolce's Burning Love CD "Flame"
June 19, 1994 - September 29, 2008

Dear Moo

I can't believe that you're gone. I will never forget the day that we brought you home from Tom and Jocelyn Lewis' house. I held you in my lap as Vaughn drove us home, and I held you up and starting singing, " a dinky dinky dinky, a dinky doo doo". I laughed at smiled and wondered at you, and I always will.

Remember when we tried to show you when you were 6 months old? Ha ha! You really didn't think much about that, and we decided that it really didn't matter about that championship thing. You did go on to earn your CD, and in your own inimitable style, you slayed me. When you were going for your third leg during the sits and downs, you assumed the "frog" position and began wagging that splendiferous tale of yours, and you smiled and beamed for the entire exercise. I thought that I would bust up laughing, but I bit my tongue, and we got that CD! I was so proud of you Moo!

You produced 3 beautiful litters for me, and beside me sits your daughter Leia from CH Ashford's Saffron O'Reilly. Leia went on to produce the grandchildren and her children the great grandchildren still living in my house today. They always paid you all the respect and deference that you deeply deserved. They are your living legacy Moo, your shining stars.

Moo, you were such a comedian, and so good natured. I can't ever remember you ever having to correct anyone in our house, except to bare your teeth at an annoying puppy in your face, and I KNEW that it was all for show, almost comical really. You were sweet and loving beyond words my old Moo. One of the greatest things about you, was that you were so musical. I will always cherish the arias that you sang for us. It cracked me up the way that you would be lying in the kitchen or down the hallway, and suddenly I would hear your singing, or "mooing". I'd come in the room and there you were, laying flat on your belly, tail wagging wide and slow.

It was so hard to let you go today. Until the end, I was really in denial about it. It's so hard to make that kind of choice, but I could finally see it in your eyes, and I knew that if you could talk, you would have said "mama, I feel like crap. I am so sick and tired, and I don't think that I can go on much longer. Don't feel bad mama, because you loved me so good and so completely, and I'll always be watching over you and papa."

Moo moo dog, those were some awesome 14+ years together, and you will always be in my heart, and deeply missed by me and papa Greg.

Love always,


1 comment:

dyannne said...

Precious, really, precious.