This Republican VP selection of Mrs. Palin is straight out of the Karl Rove play book. She's going to be used to go into the bible belt and once again try to divide this country on issues like gay rights and abortion, and sadly, it could work. I find it incomprehensible and terrifying that the citizens of this country may potentially be distracted ONCE AGAIN from the most important issues that we face as a country; health care, the economy, national security and foreign policy, education, and social security---that people will once again divide on issues that have NOTHING TO DO with our strength and solvency as a Nation. It's irresponsible and dangerous.
I also find it astonishing that should McCain win this election, and fall ill and die while in office, that we would be faced with a 40-something year old woman with absolutely no national political experience and no education in the nuances of foreign policy. She stated publically that she has no interest in the Iraq war---that she hasn't even followed it.
It was reported on MS-NBC that John McCain only met her once before he selected her as his V.P. nominee. What kind of vetting process does this suggest? It suggests that they are playing a dangerous game with the American people.
Yes, she's a "hockey mom", a former beauty queen, and has raised 5 kids, the youngest with Down's Syndrome. Well, that's terrific! That's a great American story, but it doesn't qualify her to lead this country.
Also of note, she eats "Buffalo" burgers (now there's a selling point), is a member of the NRA and a hunter, is anti gay rights, and wants to OUTLAW abortion in all 50 states, even in the case of rape or incest. Is this the kind of myopic person that we want running our government?
It's ironic, because people like Pat Buchanan are referring to this woman as a "feminist." Feminist? John McCain doesn't believe that women deserve equal pay for doing the same job that a man does. Feminist? You've got to be kidding me. Holding down a job and raising a family does not make you a feminist.
The McCain campaign is going to try and sell it that they selected Mrs. Palin to try and gain the women's vote. That's spin, and it's a red herring. Democratic women who supported Hillary have NOTHING in common with Sarah Palin, and it makes no sense that these women would suddenly vote for John McCain simply because he put her on his ticket. Do they think that women are really a bunch of morons? Women who supported Hillary are NOT right-wing conservatives.
I for one will not allow them to manipulate me with this Rovain slight of hand. As Barack Obama stated strongly and with complete conviction during his acceptance speech, "ENOUGH!"